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LIVE NOW 'Sales Funnel Conversion' Challenge [Date: Saturday August 19th at 12 noon to 5 pm EST]

Attention: Are You Ready To [Insert Big Promise or Name of Your Challenge, Workshop or Virtual Event] …?

"Give Us [#Amt of Days] … 

And In [x Amt of Time] We’ll Show You How You Can 

[Big Promise that is true]

[The Goal That They Want To Achieve and that you will help them achieve]

([without x, y, z challenges/obstacles the things they want to avoid])

Challenge Starts In: 









Yes, I Want To Join [Name of Challenge or Virtual Event]
[(Start day and time) for FREE]

By submitting this form, you provide your explicit consent to receive ongoing communication, including promotional content, updates, and reminders via SMS and email in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


[The Big Problem They Faced... What is getting in their way]

[what is the negative consequence]

[As a Result They Are Affected How?]: 

  • [Challenge or Problem #1]

  • [Challenge or Problem #2]

  • [Challenge or Problem #3]

  • [Challenge or Problem #4]

  • If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above then YES, this [Name of Your Challenge or Event] is 100% for you.

    [Why should they listen to you, why do you care?]

    From: [You]

    Dear [Who are they?] 

    [Share your story or a case study that connects with them. and emphasizes the problem that they are faced with. Show them that you understand their problem and you are here to help and why it matters to you.]

    [Your Name]

    [Your role or position or company]

    [The Name of Your Challenge or Event] Will Walk You Through Step by Step

    [The Promise/Outcome]

    [What can they expect to see as a result] 

    Here's What You'll Learn & Implement During Our Time Together

    [Are You Ready To (achieve x) In X Days or Hours?]

    What You Can Expect From [The NAme of Your Challenge or Event!]

    Before The Challenge

  • Challenge or Problem 1: [How does make them feel, think or behave?]

  • Challenge or Problem 2: [How does make them feel, think or behave?]

  • Challenge or Problem 3: [How does make them feel, think or behave?]

  • Challenge or Problem 4: [How does make them feel, think or behave?]

  • After The Challenge

  • [Solution to Challenge or Problem 1: [What will they be able to achieve, think or do as a result]

  • [Solution to Challenge or Problem 2: [What will they be able to achieve, think or do as a result]

  • [Solution to Challenge or Problem 3: [What will they be able to achieve, think or do as a result]

  • [Solution to Challenge or Problem 4: [What will they be able to achieve, think or do as a result]

  • But That's Not All!

    We want to make sure that you are set up for success so we have some FREE bonuses for you

    Here’s Everything You Get When You Sign Up For The 

    [The Name of Your Challenge or Event]

  • FREE! Item # 1 and how it benefits them (Valued at $xxx[optional to include])

  • FREE! Item # 2 and how it benefits them (Valued at $xxx[optional to include])

  • FREE! Item # 3 and how it benefits them (Valued at $xxx[optional to include])


  • BONUS! Item # 1 and how it benefits them (Valued at $xxx[optional to include])

  • BONUS! Item # 2 and how it benefits them (Valued at $xxx[optional to include])

  • BONUS! Item # 3 and how it benefits them (Valued at $xxx[optional to include])

  • What

  • [X Amt of Days or Hours Virtual Workshop, Challenge or Event]: [Name of your challenge, workshop or event]

  • When

  • [Dates and times] 

  • Why

  • [Why show up?]

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